Bucharest Cluj Timisoara
Thu 13/3
Map Program

UVT ArtCenter

Strada Oituz nr. 4, Timișoara, Timiș
Mon. - Fri. 12:00 - 20:00

Tell us about UVT ArtCenter.

The mission of the UVT ArtCenter aims both to support the young generation and to bring nationally and internationally established artists to the fore. Inaugurated on May 9, 2023, with the student action "Memory [OFF] Space", the activity of the UVT ArtCenter since its opening until now has hosted a series of 23 events in 10 months. Among them we can mention both exhibitions and conferences, workshops and artist talks, both student and dedicated to renowned artists such as Jean-Christian Tirat (France), Misha Keskenovici (Slovenia), Laura West (America), Andrei Pandele (Bucharest) and Paul Neagu (Timișoara).

What do you have upcoming?

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