Bucharest Cluj Timisoara
Thu 13/3
Map Program


Atelierele Scanteia
Atelierele Scanteia, Piața Presei Libere 1, București 013701, Romania
Thur.-Sat. 16-20

Tell us about Posibilă.

Located in Bucharest, Galeria Posibilă is a private, commercial art gallery whose identity has been gradually built as a platform for artistic, exhibition and curatorial experiment, in recent years being interested in working with the landscape as inspiration and subject. As recurring activities, we have MASTER, a project which started 20 years ago, Sounds Like a Book residency in Șona and the books we publish for each exhibition or project developed. As a self publishing house, Posibilă encouraged local and international collaborations for artist books, publications on landscape themes etc along with Graphomat and artists such as Michael Hopfner or Olivia Mihalțianu. Promoting local and international artists through projects and publications since 2003, Galeria Posibilă collaborated with artists such as Ștefan Câlția, Dan Perjovschi, GWEN, Bogdan Gîrbovan , Sorina Vazelina, Miruna Radovici, Denise Lobonț, Alexandra Boaru and so on.

What do you have upcoming?

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