Bucharest Cluj Timisoara
Thu 12/12
Map Program


Str. Armeneasca 14
Guided Tour

Everything will be alright

With Iulia Bucureşteanu
Curated by Christian Roncea
In this project, she used her travels to Bucharest, as ways of discovering and uncovering the unseen layers of personal and collective memories . Her name, "Bucuresteanu", which means "a citizen of Bucharest" becomes a leit motiff in her artistic endeavours, where she detaches herself from "the citizen", embodying "the stranger" or "the tourist".

Tell us about Pharmakon.

Pharmakon Gallery is a contemporary art gallery opened back in February of this year, presenting artists from emerging as well as established artists, challenging conventional narratives through diverse mediums. The name, meaning both remedy and poison, shows art as both the question and the answer to numerous curiosities we have.

What do you have upcoming?

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