LeiLei Gallery

Strada Aurel Vlaicu Nr.88-90, București 030167, Romania
Mon. - Fri., 12:00 - 16:00
Extended Hours

A Heap of Broken Images

With Emma Badulescu (GWEN), Răzvan Bungărdean, Nora Cupcencu, Cristina Chirilă, Dan Dumanoiu, Matei Emanuel, Radu Gheorghe, Teodora Ionescu, Diana Oană & Elena Waldorf
Curated by Petru Lucaci
Recalling an emblematic modern poem that mirrors the consciousness of our century, this project brings to light, through both content and form, a pattern that marks the cycle of nature. This time, however, the "seed" cultivating meaning is not Eliot's free verse but visual aesthetics. The works of the 10 artists, these "disparate images," depict the bleak reality of a period of social disillusionment and a "haunted" world. Here, narratives of life and death, decay and rebirth, and restorative power intertwine. This everyday reality provides an imaginative backdrop to explore the relationship between the external world and the internal realm of subconscious shadows. Much like the poet's disordered style, this chaotic blend of fragmented images reflects on the inevitability of human experience as well as the potential for regeneration.

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The group exhibition A Heap of Broken Images is ongoing at the Leilei Gallery in Bucharest, an event that reflects the trends and concerns of a new generation of artists.