

MAIA ÎN FOCUS. A Non-Verbal Chat for Real-time Human-AI Interaction

With Prof. Dr. Marius Leordeanu, in collaboration with AI experts Dragos Costea și Alina Marcu & artist Cristina Lazăr
Starting July 11, Galateca Gallery offers the public an interactive exhibition, MAIA IN FOCUS. A Non-Verbal Chat for Real-time Human-AI Interaction, included in the Neo Art Connect Art and Science Annual (NAC 2024) Edition 2. The project is the result of the collaboration between the Polytechnic University of Bucharest and UNArte, an innovative pilot research project initiated by Prof. Dr. Marius Leordeanu, Ai and Art coordinator, and carried out together with AI experts Dragos Costea and Alina Marcu and visual artist Cristina Lazăr. Maia is non-human but responds in real time to our facial expressions, body movements and emotions in a non-verbal way. She gives us the possibility to express ourselves beyond written language and expand our ability to communicate with the natural world. The system is based on state-of-the-art algorithms for recognizing facial and human expressions, as well as depth estimation. The exhibition offers a glimpse into the process of the project and also showcases much of the visual results so far.

Tell us about Galateca.

Galateca Gallery, one of the long - lasting cultural spaces in Bucharest, was born from the desire and need to create a living, versatile, multifunctional platform dedicated to contemporary art and design, ideal for interdisciplinary projects. It is the first private gallery in Bucharest with a national and international multimedia program, with a dynamic mix of exhibition concepts, promoting Romanian and foreign artists, art and science, eco-design, sustainability in the creative area, but also innovative curatorial projects. It also has an integrated gallery-shop concept dedicated to the design and sale of art objects complementary to the exhibitions, called NeoGalateca. Since 2012, Galateca has been writing a story about contemporary art with originality and coherence.

What do you have upcoming?

Thursday, July 11, 7:00 pm, Galateca Gallery opens the interactive exhibition, MAIA IN FOCUS. A Non-Verbal Chat for Real-time Human-AI Interaction, included in the Neo Art Connect Art and Science Annual (NAC 2024) Edition 2. The project is the result of the collaboration between the Polytechnic University of Bucharest and UNArte, an innovative pilot research project initiated by Prof. Dr. Marius Leordeanu, Ai and Art coordinator, and carried out together with AI experts Dragos Costea and Alina Marcu and visual artist Cristina Lazăr. The exhibition runs until July 20.