Elite Art Gallery

Piața Națiunile Unite 3-5, Bloc B2, Parter, București 040012
Mon – Fri 11:00 – 19:00
Extended Hours


With Tatiana Vatavu & Eudochia Robu
Curated by Roxana Diochețanu
From July 1 to August 2, 2024, Elite Art Gallery hosts the exhibition of artists Eudochia Robu and Tatiana Vatavu, entitled Illo-tempore, curated by Roxana Diochețanu. Illo-tempore describes a mythical time, specific to fairytales, where the fabulous and the ancestral intertwine in a timeless destiny, where the laws of reality are suspended and supernatural events take place. The exhibition brings together two distinct artistic universes, painting and ceramics, in a symbiosis that celebrates tradition and mythology, reinterpreted through modern perspectives.

Tell us about Elite Art Gallery.

Elite Art Gallery began its exhibition journey in 2003, when the first edition of the art residency in Balchik was organised at the Royal Palace of Queen Mary. For over 20 years, Elite Art has brought to the Romanian art scene over 250 art exhibitions, involving over 300 artists. Among the artists who exhibited in the gallery, we find important names of contemporary Romanian art: Felix Aftene, Ilie Boca, Horea Cucerzan, Marcel Lupșe, Doina Mihăilescu, Cristian Dițoiu, Manuell Mănăstireanu, George Mircea, Laurențiu Midvichi, Marilena. Murariu, Ion Grigore, Prolog Group (Constantin Flondor, Horea Paştina, Mihai Sârbulescu, Ion Grigorescu, Christian Paraschiv), Rodica Crîșmaru, Ana-Maria Ariciu, Andreea-Gabriela Tudor, Bogdan Sassu, Gizella Popescu, Alex Manea, Nadejda Lungu, Daniela Donțu-Hașcevoi. In a welcoming space of 84 square meters, Elite Art promotes art, in various forms and expressions: two-dimensional and three-dimensional, realistic or abstract, conventional or unconventional, organising annually at least 12 personal or group exhibitions on various themes. As part of the Elite Art Association, Elite Art Gallery has built, over its 21 years of existence, a solid portfolio aimed at supporting the universality and accessibility of art for the benefit of art lovers.

What do you have upcoming?

On July 2, at 18:30, the opening of the exhibition Illo-tempore, by artists Tatiana Vatavu and Eudochia Robu, will take place.