Catinca Tabacaru

Tell us about Catinca Tabacaru.

Catinca Tabacaru Gallery was founded in 2014 on the Lower East Side of New York City where it presented a program of emerging international artists. Starting in 2015, the Gallery, along with the newly formed CTG Collective founded by Catinca Tabacaru and artist Rachel Monosov (the gallery’s not-for-profit arm) started a traveling art residency which has had iterations over the past 8 years in Zimbabwe, Canada, Serbia, Nigeria, Finland, Romania and upcoming in Germany. Consistently since 2015, projects in Harare have set international artists in collaboration with local creators. In 2020, the Gallery's headquarters moved to Bucharest seeking to add an Eastern European position to its program and to contribute to Bucharest’s burgeoning art scene. The Gallery also functions as a platform for multidisciplinary projects, with a focus on performative practices.

What do you have upcoming?

The gallery is preparing the opening of a new Bucharest space as well as its participation in RAD Art Fair, an overdue collaborative initiative that strengthens the core of the Romanian art scene. Our artists, Catinca Malaimare and Ovidiu Toader are included in Gardening Lessons, a group exhibition curated by Ami Barak happening in Timișoara (March 28 – May 11), while Shinji Murakami’s solo show has just opened at NOWHERE, New York.