Calciu Space

Atelierele Scanteia
Atelierele Scanteia, Corp A2, Piața Presei Libere 1, București 013701, Romania
Thur.-Sat. 16-20
Extended Hours

Human Extensions: Living Cell

With Andreea Ilie
Human Extensions: Living Cell explores the symbiotic relationship between architecture, individuals, and societal dynamics. This exhibition illuminates architecture not merely as static structures, but as living organisms intertwined with the fabric of human life. Man and his surroundings create a certain fusion, becoming one. One cannot function without the other and we can see a clear influence one has over the other. The whole building connects with the immediate and wider surroundings, and the individual rooms react collectively. The whole relates to the smallest particle and grows into a community cell. It turns into a human image. The exhibition presents reality and the buildings in their purest form, lacking context, exhibiting raw meaning, and capturing contradiction, repetition, and roughness. You lunge into this flat system that rearranges and reinterprets architecture as we perceive it, allowing you to fully comprehend its ultimate social purpose — connecting humans and humans to the living cell. Andreea Ilie is an artist who draws inspiration from the inherent connection between architecture and the human psyche. Her work captures the essence of social buildings and common spaces, emphasizing their profound influence on the modern individual. Through her works, she tries to unveil the true purpose of these spaces and underline the vital importance of collective experiences, combating the profound sense of alienation that can permeate our lives when we feel disconnected from ourselves and others.

Tell us about Calciu Space.

Calciu Space is one of the 3 exhibition spaces at Atelierele Scânteia, alongside founding members SwitchLab and Galeria Posibilă. Atelierele Scânteia is an artists' hub run by artists, managed and designed to provide affordable long-term, high-ceilinged and bright spaces suitable for artists' sudios and exhibition spaces. spaces for artists' studios and galleries.

What do you have upcoming?

The gallery will host a series of three exhibitions until the end of the year including a larger event during Scânteia Open Weekend in October.